
These seven principles define the qualities that make a project suitable to be part of the network

A space for sacred or numinous experience Hosted with philosophical humility Open and welcoming to all Stewarded by community Connected to place Engaging mind, heart, and body in connection with self, others, and the world
For the benefit of all life

A space for sacred or numinous experience

Opportunities abound for social connection — sporting events, dance clubs, festivals, bars — but spaces offering the depth and power of meaningful ceremony are rare. Projects in the network aim to create such spaces.

Hosted with philosophical humility

There are myriad ways to see and experience the world, myriad ways of knowing, and myriad interpretations of numinous experience. Rather than presenting a particular ideology, world view, or metaphysical perspective as true, projects in the network instead pose questions and invite participants to explore their own experience through practice.

Open and welcoming to all

Services that projects in the network offer are open to the public, and welcoming regardless of a participant’s capacity or intention to make a financial contribution. The ideas, language, and style of the hosts is accessible to any open-minded human, not requiring specialized concepts, vocabulary, or familiarity with specific cultural niches.

Stewarded by community

It is the opportunity and responsibility of the participants in a service community to govern and guide its organization. While new communities may be initiated or hosted by a small group of people, stewardship becomes participatory as a project matures, with a transparent process for selecting and onboarding new people to governance and hosting roles.

Connected to place

Projects in the network are place-based communities. In a world of increasing virtuality and rootlessness, these spaces exist in relationship to their physical and social environment, endeavouring to serve the human and non-human beings of the neighbourhood where they are rooted.

Engaging mind, heart, and body in connection with self, others, and the world

Projects in the network integrate engagement with the mind through dialogue and inquiry, engagement with the body through movement and sensation, and engagement with the heart and emotions through reflection, connection, and empathy. These three layers of our humanness are brought into the process of reconnecting with the diversity of our own inner experience, our experience of connection and relation to others, and our experience of the wider wholes we are part of — community, culture, the universe, and all life.

For the benefit of all life

Projects in the network exist not to serve their own organization, but to serve the community and place, that those who participate may become more nourished, capable, well, wise, and inspired, that they may contribute to the flourishing of the world and all life.